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Command Line Mode


Stimulate can be run in a command line mode to facilitate batch processing by use of option switch ``-batch''. The syntax for the command line mode can be displayed by using the option switch ``-usage'':

  stimulate -usage

  Usage: stimulate [-usage] [-verbose] [-batch stim.sdt out.sdt]
         where xxx = { mp | pxc | txc | maskAlg }

Thus a shellscript can be written to generate activation maps on data collected using a standardize protocol. For example:

  #! /bin/csh

  set num = $1
  stimulate -batch study{$num}.sdt verbalMap{$num}_mp.sdt
  stimulate -batch study{$num}.sdt motor.pxc motorMap{$num}_pxc.sdt
  stimulate -batch study{$num}.sdt combine.maskAlg comboMap{$num}.sdt

The ``-verbose'' option switch causes a multitude of messages to be printed to the screen and is intended only for use during debugging.

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