Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Radiology
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Djaudat S. Idiyatullin, Ph.D.
Dr. Djaudat S. Idiyatullin is an assistant professor in the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Radiology. He graduated from Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia in 1980 with a M.S. in Department of Radio Physics (subject of degree work: "Digital temperature controller for NMR spectrometer"). At 1996 he earned a Ph.D. Physics & Mathematics (Department of Molecular Physics, Kazan State University, dissertation entitled: "NMR relaxation and spin diffusion of segmented polyurethanes"). He joined Dr. Michael Garwood's group at CMRR at 2003. Dr. Idiyatullin is co-inventor on 11 US and International patents and has more than 30 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Research Interests:
- Dental, maxillofacial, musculoskeletal MRI,
- Hard- and soft-ware, methods of MRI,
- Chemical Exchange, Nuclear magnetic cross and auto-relaxation, dipolar cross-correlation,
- Spin and self-diffusion in heterogeneous systems
Selected Publications:
1. D. Idiyatullin, S. Suddarth, C. Corum, G. Adriany, M. Garwood, Continuous SWIFT, J. Magn. Reson. 220 (2012) 26-31.(DOI:10.1016/j.jmr.2012.04.016)
2. D. Idiyatullin, C. Corum, S. Moeller, H. Prasad, M. Garwood, D. Nixdorf; Dental Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Making the Invisible Visible. Journal of Endodontics 37: 745-52 (doi:10.1016/j.joen.2011.02.022).
3. D. Idiyatullin, C. Corum, S. Moeller, M. Garwood. Gapped Pulses for Frequency-Swept MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 193, (2008) 267-273 (PMC2566780).
4. D. Idiyatullin, C. Corum, J-Y. Park, M. Garwood, Fast and Quiet MRI Using a Swept Radiofrequency, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 181, (2006) 342-349 (PMID: 16782371).
5. D. Idiyatullin, S. Michaeli, M. Garwood, The product operator analysis of the influence of chemical exchange on relaxation rates. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 171 (2004) 330-337 (PMID: 15546760).
6. D. Idiyatullin, V. Daragan, K. Mayo, A simple method to measure 13CH2 heteronuclear dipolar cross-correlation spectral densities. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 171(2004) 4-9 (PMID: 15504674).
7. D. Idiyatullin, V. Daragan, K. Mayo, Protein Dynamics using Frequency- Dependent Order Parameters from Analysis of NMR Relaxation Data. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Volume 161, Issue 1 , March 2003, Pages 118-125 (PMID: 12660119).
8. D. Idiyatullin, V. Daragan, K. Mayo, Improved Measurement of 15N-{1H} NOEs in the Presence of H(N)-Water Proton Chemical Exchange, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 153, No. 1, Nov 2001, pp. 138-143 (PMID: 11700091).
9. D. Idiyatullin, V. Daragan, K. Mayo, A New Approach to Visualizing Spectral Density Functions and Deriving Motional Correlation Time Distributions: Applications to an -Helix-Forming Peptide and to a Well-Folded Protein. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, v.152, No.1, pp132-148(2001) (PMID: 11531372).
10. D. Idiyatullin, V. Skirda, E. Khozina, Dipole echo formation in three pulse sequence NMR experiments on polymer systems. Journal of Magnetic Resonance A, 1995, V.117, p.137-142.