CMRR Workshops

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Every two years, the CMRR hosts workshops on high field magnetic resonance and functional brain imaging, including sessions with hands-on training. Please plan to join us in the Fall of 2025 for the next workshop!

2023 Minnesota Workshop on Ultra-High Field Imaging October 12-14, 2023

The goal of the 2023 Workshop is to provide a forum to disseminate and discuss the technical issues and applications of MR imaging and spectroscopy conducted with high (≥ 3 T) and ultra-high (≥ 7 T) magnetic fields. Presentations from experts in the major areas of high field MR research will cover fundamental principles, methodology, and biomedical applications in the brain as well as the other organ systems in the body.

This workshop is dedicated to the memory of our friend and colleague Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele.



2021 Workshops

2019 Workshops

2017 Workshops

2015 Workshops

2013 Workshops



2011 Workshops

2009 Workshops

2007 Workshops

2005 Workshops


2003 Workshops 

2001 Workshops

1999 Workshops

1997 Workshops


If you have any questions regarding these workshops, please email

You might also be interested in attending one of our weekly seminars.