Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Radiology
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Xiaoping Wu, Ph. D.
Xiaoping Wu, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR), Department of Radiology, at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Wu received his Bachelor of Engineering (2001) and Master of Engineering (2004) degrees in Engineering Physics from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. In 2004, Dr. Wu became a graduate student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Minnesota and, in 2005, joined the CMRR to pursue his PhD degree. His thesis work was focused on radiofrequency (RF) parallel transmission for ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging and was conducted under the mentorship of both Kamil Ugurbil, Ph.D. and Pierre-Francois van de Moortele, Ph.D. After receiving his Ph.D degree in 2010, Dr. Wu continued to work at the CMRR as a Postdoctoral Associate (2010-2011), Research Associate (2011-2013), and subsequently as an Assistant Professor (2013-present).
Research Interests:
- RF pulse design, in particular parallel transmission RF pulse design.
- RF parallel transmission for MRI and MRS applications at ultra-high magnetic field.
- RF safety in parallel transmission.
Selected Publications:
For some of the following publications, the matlab code used to create the results is also attached. In case you would like to use the code, please refer to the copyright and license statement: copyright_license.txt.
11) Ma X, Ugurbil K, Wu X. Denoise magnitude diffusion magnetic resonance images via variance-stabilizing transformation and optimal singular-value manipulation. Neuroimage 2020;215:116852.
The matlab code used to conduct the denoising is made publicly available at https://github.com/XiaodongMa-MRI/Denoising/releases
10) Wu X, Auerbach EJ, Vu AT, Moeller S, Van de Moortele P-F, Yacoub E, Uğurbil K. Human Connectome Project-style resting-state functional MRI at 7 Tesla using radiofrequency parallel transmission. Neuroimage 2019;184:396–408. doi: 10.1016/J.NEUROIMAGE.2018.09.038.
9) Wu X, Auerbach EJ, Vu AT, Moeller S, Lenglet C, Schmitter S, Van de Moortele P-F, Yacoub E, Uğurbil K. High-resolution whole-brain diffusion MRI at 7T using radiofrequency parallel transmission. Magn. Reson. Med. 2018;80:1857–1870. doi: 10.1002/mrm.27189.
8) Wu X, Tian J, Schmitter S, Vaughan JT, Ugurbil K, Van de Moortele PF. Distributing coil elements in three dimensions enhances parallel transmission multiband RF performance: A simulation study in the human brain at 7 Tesla. Magn Reson Med 2016;75(6):2464-2472.
7) Wu X, Schmitter S, Auerbach EJ, Ugurbil K, Van de Moortele PF. A generalized slab-wise framework for parallel transmit multiband RF pulse design. Magn Reson Med 2016;75(4):1444-1456.
6) Wu X, Zhang X, Tian J, Schmitter S, Hanna B, Strupp J, Pfeuffer J, Hamm M, Wang D, Nistler J, He B, Vaughan TJ, Ugurbil K, Van de Moortele PF. Comparison of RF body coils for MRI at 3 T: a simulation study using parallel transmission on various anatomical targets. NMR Biomed 2015;28(10):1332-1344.
5) Wu X, Schmitter S, Auerbach E, Ugurbil K, Van de Moortele PF. Mitigating transmit B1 inhomogeneity in the liver at 7T using multi-spoke parallel transmit RF pulse design. Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery 2014;4(1):4-10.
The matlab code used to design pTx spokes pulses and run Bloch simulations can be downloaded here: liver_spokes.zip, which includes a main matlab script, pTx3DAdv_7t.m, as well as the functions it calls and the field mapping data it loads in. Note that for the pulse designer included to run successfully, you will need to install the regtools (which can be found at http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/~pcha/Regutools/).
4) Wu X, Schmitter S, Auerbach EJ, Moeller S, Ugurbil K, Van de Moortele PF. Simultaneous multislice multiband parallel radiofrequency excitation with independent slice-specific transmit B1 homogenization. Magn Reson Med 2013;70(3):630–638.
The matlab code used to design pTx multiband spoke pulses and run Bloch simulations can be downloaded here: ptxMB.zip, which includes a main matlab script, pTxMB.m, as well as a comprehensive pulse designer it calls and the field mapping data it loads in. Note that for the pulse designer included to run successfully, you will need to install the matlab software for disciplined convex programming (which can be found at http://cvxr.com/cvx/).
3) Wu X, Adriany G, Ugurbil K, Van de Moortele PF. Correcting for Strong Eddy Current Induced B0 Modulation Enables Two-Spoke RF Pulse Design with Parallel Transmission: Demonstration at 9.4T in the Human Brain. PloS one 2013;8(10):e78078.
2) Wu X, Vaughan JT, Ugurbil K, Van de Moortele PF. Parallel excitation in the human brain at 9.4 T counteracting k-space errors with RF pulse design. Magn Reson Med 2010;63(2):524-529.
The matlab code that can be used to design multidimensional spatially selective pTx pulses and run corresponding Bloch simulations can be downloaded here: pTx2D_release.zip, bloch_sim.zip. What is included is a main matlab script pTx2D.m (along with the functions it calls and the field mapping data it loads in) that provides an example of how to design 2D pTx pulses to excite a "M" logo of the University of Minnesota in a spherical phantom.
1) Wu X, Akgun C, Vaughan JT, Andersen P, Strupp J, Ugurbil K, Van de Moortele PF. Adapted RF pulse design for SAR reduction in parallel excitation with experimental verification at 9.4 T. J Magn Reson 2010;205(1):161-170.