Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Radiology
Lifespan HCP
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Mapping the Human Connectome
Research Participation:
Our understanding of what factors influence brain connectivity is dependent on the participation of volunteers. Participation in this study may provide us with information that will help us to map connectivity in the human brain to investigate the structural and functional changes that occur during aging. This will provide a reference data set that can be used to understand disease and invent cures.
More information can be found at this website: http://lifespan.humanconnectome.org/
Volunteers Needed:
Healthy Volunteers are needed for our study. Participants will spend two days at the University of Minnesota and be compensated $400 for the completion of the study. To discuss participating, please send an email to HCP-A@umn.edu. If you do not have email, call Hannah Hagy at 612-301-1788.
Behavioral and Cognitive Tests:
You will be asked to do several different tasks, as well as answer questions about things you like to do, how you usually behave, your mood, and how you cope with life.
We will use MRI to take pictures of your brain. We will look at the connections between different parts of your brain while you rest quietly, watch a movie, or do some simple tasks.
Fasting Blood Draw:
As early in the visit as possible, we will draw your blood. After the blood draw we will provide you with a meal and a short break.
Contact Information:
To schedule a study with us:
Please email the study team at HCP-A@umn.edu or call 612-301-1788.
Study Location:
University of Minnesota
Center for Magnetic Resonance Research
2021 6th Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Parking is provided.
IRB ID #: 201603117