Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Radiology
2015 Seminars
January 12, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, Daniel Keefe
Working in Virtual Spaces: Interactive Visual Computing for Data Visualization and Design
January 26, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, Ming Lu
Advancing *In Vivo* X-nuclear MRS for Brain Application at High/Ultrahigh Field.
January 26, 2015 10:00 AM - Seminar Room, Wei Li - University of Texas
QSM (Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping)
February 2, 2015 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Andrea Grant
Assessing reliability of anatomical segmentations at 7 T
February 16, 2015 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Arcan Erturk
Monitoring Local Heating Around an Interventional MRI Antenna with RF Radiometry
March 2, 2015 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Ann Van de Winckel
Passive somatosensory discrimination in the 3 Tesla scanner with an MRI compatible robot
March 9, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, MICHELLE MOEREL
Cortical depth-dependent processing of natural sounds in human auditory cortex
April 20, 2015 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Biyu Jade He, PhD
Unraveling large-scale brain dynamics underlying perceptual awareness
April 27, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, Kendrick Kay, Washington University St.Louis MO
Using functional neuroimaging to reveal the computations performed by the human visual system
May 11, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, JOHN D. MURRAY - NYU
Modeling Neural Circuit Dysfunction in Schizophrenia: Toward Computational Psychiatry
May 11, 2015 3:00PM, CMRR Seminar Room 2-102, Felipe Barreto
Effects of reduced oxygen availability in the vascular response of the activated human visual cortex
May 14, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, An Vu
Utilizing novel, complex contrast mechanisms to improve both the sensitivity and spatial specificity of measured brain function in GE BOLD fMRI experiments
May 18, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, Petr Bednarik
Recent Applications of Functional Spectroscopy in the Human Visual Cortex
May 21, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, Maximilian Riesenhuber-Georgetown University
Neural Mechanisms of Object Recognition: Of cars, coos and concepts
June 15, 2015 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Harold Swartz, Dartmouth
(Title to be announced)
September 14, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, Adam Kohn, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY
The neurophysiology of visual adaptation
October 12, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele
Transmit B1 at high field: where are we, where do we expect to go?
October 26, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, Erik Beall-Cleveland Clinic
A new path for solving the head motion problem in resting state network analysis
November 2, 2015 Noon, Seminar Room, Cheryl Olman
Solving an existential crisis: discovering information about the brain that is uniquely available through fMRI
November 6, 2015 3PM, Seminar Room 2-102, Jason Yeatman - University of Washington
The neural circuitry of reading
November 30, 2015 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Russell Lagore
RF Head Coils at 10.5T
December 1, 2015 1PM Seminar Room 2-102, Wes Miller, Igor Nestrasil, Reena Kartha, Troy Lund, Department of Pediatrics
Current Status & Challenges in Cellular Therapy for Metabolic Disease
December 7, 2015 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Galit Pelled
Neuromodulation and neuroimaging of plasticity
December 14, 2015 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Ryan Chamberlain
Introduction to Flywheel's Data Management Software