Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Radiology
2016 Seminars
January 17, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Chris Xu
(Title to be announced)
February 8, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Olli Grohn, AIV Virtanen Institute, University of Eastern Finland
Studying the brain injury with MRI (and MRI with brain injury)
February 17, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Mark Ellisman, UC-San Diego
Toward Making the Invisible and Complicated Understandable: **Advances in Correlated Imaging from Brains and Cells to Molecules
February 22, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Arcan Erturk
Comparison of 7.0 Tesla body coils for prostate, kidney and heart imaging
February 26, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, William Faulkner & Assoc
MR Safety
February 29, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele
March 29, 2016 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Keith Thulborn, MD, PhD
Why Spatially Resolved Biochemistry is every engineer's dream
April 11, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Celalettin Ustun, University of Minnesota, Bone Marrow Transplant
A Proposed Study: Use of Hepatic MR Elastography in Stem Cell Transplantation
April 26, 2016 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, D.S. Fahmeed Hyder, PhD
Metabolic Dialectics in Biomedical Neuroimaging
May 23, 2016 2:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Mirjana Maletic-Savatic, MD, PhD
Measuring neurogenesis in the live human brain
May 23, 2016 12:00PM Seminar Room 2-102, Daniel Ts'o
Retina, Cortex: A tale of two imaging studies
June 13, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Cheryl Olman
Visual deficits associated with mild to moderate traumatic brain injury
June 17, 2016 11AM Seminar Room, Rafael Yuste, MD, Ph.D
Imaging emergent properties of Neural Circuits
July 11, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Jeramy Kulesa
Review & Update of CMRR Research Policies and Procedures
July 26, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Meng Cui-Assistant Professor, Purdue University
Optical imaging of mammalian brain
August 15, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Fanny Mochel, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, Pitie-Salpetriere University Hospital, ParisFanny Mochel
Metabolic imaging in the brain in polyglutamine diseases
August 22, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Anusha Mishra
Neurovascular Coupling is Mediated by Different Signalling Pathways at the Capillary and Arteriole Level
August 29, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Prakash Kara
Synaptic, Spiking, and Vascular Cortical Maps of Sensory Stimulus Selectivity
September 12, 2016 9:30AM Seminar Room, Benjamin Hayden - University of Rochester
Macro and Micro: Bridging across levels in neuroeconomics
September 12, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Marc Seal/Michael Kean - Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Department of Pediatrics, University of Melbourne
Multislice Acquisition: the Melbourne Children’s Experience
September 19, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Kendrick Kay
Deep neural networks and the role of models in cognitive neuroscience
October 3, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Caterina Gratton, Washington University, St. Louis
Control Systems & Hubs: A Network View of Goal-Driven Behavior
October 10, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room, Michael Dayan
Combining structural MRI modalities for the characterization of grey and white matter in health and disease: examples on large datasets
October 17, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room 2-102, Neeraj Chepuri, MD, Commonwealth Radiology Associates, Partners Healthcare, Boston, Massachusetts
Clinical value of fMRI, DTI and intra-operative MRI (iMRI) in management of brain tumor patients: Minneapolis Neurosciences Center experience
October 24, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room 2-102, Yigitcan Eryaman
RF Heating Studies on Anesthetized Pigs Using Fractionated Dipole Antennas at 10.5 T
November 3, 2016 10:00AM SEMINAR ROOM 2-102, KENDRICK KAY
Developing Signal Processing Techniques for using Ultra-High-Resolution fMRI to Measure Fine-Scale Neural Activity
November 7, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room 2-102, Mark Fiecas,Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics
A variance components model for statistical inference on functional connectivity networks
November 14, 2016 Noon, Seminar Room 2-102, Fang Yu
Aerobic Exercise: A New Promise of an Old Wisdom for Fighting Alzheimer's Disease
Development of Particle Image Velocimetry techniques for very large and very small scales
4D flow MRI in a 3D printed intracranial aneurysm