Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Radiology
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The AutoVOI package contains the necessary codes for automated voxel prescription for single-voxel spectroscopy developed at the CMRR. The package contains both bash and python codes for the Linux server as well as Windows batch code for the MRI consoles. This package is now available for use at other institutions on compatible 3T scanners by a separate agreement with CMRR. For sites with Siemens 3T MRI systems, a custom MRS pulse sequence package compatible with AutoVOI is available with a C2P agreement with CMRR and Siemens.
Contact person: Young Woo Park (park1556 'at' umn.edu)
Gülin Öz (ozxxx001 'at' umn.edu)
Christophe Lenglet (clenglet 'at' umn.edu)
Please cite the following article for projects involving AutoVOI
Park YW, Deelchand DK, Joers JM, Hanna B, Berrington A, Gillen JS, Kantarci K, Soher BJ, Barker PB, Park H, Öz G. AutoVOI: real‐time automatic prescription of volume‐of‐interest for single voxel spectroscopy. Magnetic resonance in medicine. 2018 Nov;80(5):1787-98.
Commercial use of AutoVOI is covered by the following patent: