Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Radiology
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The CMRR GM-PETRA Package contains the pulse sequence and online ICE image reconstruction binaries of the Pointwise Encoding Time reduction with Radial Acquisition technique with Gradient Modulation (GM-PETRA). This package is now available for use at other institutions on compatible Siemens scanners by C2P agreement with CMRR and Siemens.
The GM-PETRA package contains the following sequences:
- Gradient-Modulated PETRA
The above sequence includes the following options, which can be enabled and disabled on a per-protocol basis by the user:
- Gradient modulation after hard pulse excitation in PETRA.
- Oversampling of Single Point Imaging (SPI) acquisition around the k-space center.
- Off-center FOV (version 2.0.0 or later)
To obtain sequences: The current GM-PETRA package supports only the Siemens software version VE11C. The other software versions will be supported in future. If you are interested in obtaining the sequence, please contact Naoharu Kobayashi (nkobayas@umn.edu), who will send you instructions on how to complete the licensing agreement with the University of Minnesota. In the GM-PETRA licensing process, you will need to obtain authorization from your Siemens Regional Collaboration Manager and complete the license agreement form in the Office for Technology Commercialization website. Once you have executed a C2P agreement and have been given an access password, the sequence and image reconstruction binaries can be downloaded here by selecting the desired release number.
Acknowledgement: If you publish or present results obtained using the pulse sequences in this package, please acknowledge the researchers who developed the sequences using the following language:
The GM-PETRA package was developed by Naoharu Kobayashi described in the paper1 and provided by the University of Minnesota under a C2P agreement.
In addition, please cite the references associated with the sequence above.
Bug reports and feature requests: If you have noticed a bug or have a request for a new feature in a future release, please contact the person listed below. Be sure to include the sequence variant, syngo version, and the model of scanner you are using when describing the issue.
- GM-PETRA: Naoharu Kobayashi
Security concerns: The sequences and software are developed in a firewalled environment, the web server is regularly checked for network vulnerabilities, and the downloadable files here are regularly scanned for viruses. To detect unexpected changes, the downloads available here are regularly checked remotely against baseline checksums stored on the remote machine. Also, Siemens provides virus software for their scanners. You can confirm that you have downloaded a valid version correctly by comparing a md5sum of the downloaded file with these checksums.
Download Sequences:
GM-PETRA version 1.0.1 (VE11C: July 16, 2019)
GM-PETRA version 2.0.0 (VE11C: November 26, 2019)
Selected References:
Kobayashi N, Goerke U, Wang L, Ellermann J, Metzger GJ, Garwood M. Gradient-Modulated PETRA MRI. Tomography. 2015;1(2):85-90 [PubMed]