Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Radiology
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Software packages developed at the CMRR that you may find useful in your own MR research:
SWIFT - SWeep Imaging with Fourier Transformation
Multi-band EPI - highly-accelerated 2D EPI pulse sequences for Siemens scanners
Spectroscopy Tools - Spectroscopy pulse sequences and FASTMAP shimming tool for Siemens scanners
FAIR ASST and OPTIMAL FAIR - Perfusion imaging methods with pulsed arterial spin labeling (PASL)
MB-EPI PCASL - Multi-band EPI pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (PCASL)
Stimulate - multifunctional image analysis tool
PhysioFix User's Guide - adjust for respiration and cardio effects
Cluster probability - clustered pixel probability
Sarcalc - energy used by your pulse sequence
MTM - Multi-Taper Methods for signal/noise analysis
FASTMAP - magnet shimming tool for Agilent/Varian scanners
NMR Kitchen - software based on product operator calculation
MIX - MIX toolbox, pre-release review
ALS Tract-specific Analysis - ALS Tract-specific Analysis