CMRR Resource Rates

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Please note that these are the current rates. Rates are subject to change according to the University's ISO policy. Please budget accordingly. 

Internal Rates

Internal rates are for funding routed through the University with a sponsored or non-sponsored chart string.

Magnet NameHourly Rate
10.5T Magnet 600.00
16.4T Magnet 350.00
3.0T-A Magnet 440.00
3.0T-B Magnet 440.00
3.0T-C Magnet 440.00
3.0T-D Magnet (MiDB) 440.00
7.0T active shielded 600.00
7.0T Terra 600.00
9.4T 31cm 250.00
PetCT 150.00 (Beginning FY25 500.00)
ServicesHourly Rate
MRI Technologist 100.00
Animal Technician 50.00
Small Animal System Operator


Radiologist Scan ReviewsFixed Rate (per review)
Incidental Scan Review 60.00
Research Screening Read 75.00 (via CR3)
Full Clinical Research Read 150.00 (via CR3)
MR ContrastFixed Rate (per use)
MR Contrast 35.00


External Rates

External rates are for standard billable service to external customers. A contract/external sales agreement must be in place prior to use.

External Rates

Magnet Name

Hourly Rate

3T magnets 725.00
7T magnets 990.00
9.4T magnet 415.00
10.5T magnet 990.00
16.4T magnet 575.00
MRI Technologist 165.00
MRI Engineer 250.00